Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I really felt kind of homesick for the first time today. Why? Cactus Grill, the upstairs cafeteria, had salmon as a special. I realized that it's been a while since I've had seafood, period, especially my dad's awesome grilled fish and stuff. I got an email from my sister. She is awesome, and is probably going to be reading this, so I won't embarrass her, but I miss her too. My English teacher suggested role playing games (e.g. Dungeons and Dragons) as a possible research topic, which reminded me of my friends in the Nerd Herd at my high school, and of my brother, who I know doesn't actually play them (or didn't) but is still part of that great geeky subset of society, which also makes him awesome. The sand courts are rough and you can feel concrete underneath, unlike that great soft beach sand around where I live. It's really hard to run anywhere barefoot and end up with your feet intact. And my mom's birthday is coming up. It has all hit me all at once. I ought to call home more often.
I've been doing pretty good,  though - It's been a month.
I'll take a line from the Beatles - I'll get by with a little help from my friends.

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