Thursday, September 26, 2013

A day in the life

I've hit the big 500 views!
Sorry for not posting earlier, but today was a busy day. Thursdays were supposed to be my easy day, but instead, they are turning out to be one of my busier days (not that every day isn't busy). So today, I had class at 9 AM (inconvenient because my roommate doesn't have class until eleven and other wise I could have slept in until noon and it's halfway across campus), and afterwards, went to the library and read the first section of Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, (for English class) which is actually really interesting. I also did some other homework while in the library. Got lunch, went to my Engineering class (we're starting the infamous solar oven project), and went back to the dorm and hung with friends. There was a Society of Women Engineers social, followed closely by a Rube Goldberg club meeting and then my volleyball team's game (we lost. Again.). After, the team celebrated by going to the Cellar, a restaurant known because it's open late and had really good milkshakes. And so, here I am, back in front of a computer, feeling the effects of a large, but delicious  infamous Cellar Shake. Definitely not an everyday thing.  
It's been a good week.
This past weekend was the Freshman Retreat, coincidentally themed AmazinGrace (pun on the hymn and the TV show). That was a ton of fun, and I got what I needed out of it. I also got about twenty new friend requests on my Facebook account by the time I got back. My small group is already planning dinner sometime in the near future.
I experienced my first major career fair this past Tuesday, not just the little one where there were just the on-campus jobs. It was big, and crowded, and loud, but Raytheon and Boeing, despite having said that freshman interns are highly unlikely, both have my resume, thin as it is. I didn't have enough time to try to get to Intel or Exxon, but I'm glad I survived. I also talked to some of the smaller companies, but they either said they weren't hiring engineers and/or that they didn't want freshman interns at all. That was definitely an experience.
In other news, I got an A on my first chemistry midterm (phew), and my English teacher said she liked my first major composition (fingers crossed!). The first step of the Rube Goldberg machine is together for real and actually works!
Next week, I'm looking forward to testing the solar oven prototypes we put together, working on the RG machine, actually starting a job, and the last volleyball game before playoffs.
Be amazing!

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