About Me

Hey, all. I know most of you who are looking at this are somehow related to me, but if you aren't, here's a little bit about who I am and what I do.

Name: Grace  (sorry, that's all you get. I'm giving enough away).
Age: Old, but I'm not that old, Young, but I'm not that bold
Email: g14racer@gmail.com
Education: 1 year in two kindergartens, 5 years in two elementary schools, 3 years slogging through middle school, 4 pretty cool years in high school. Currently attending the University of Arizona in Tucson and having a blast.
Majors: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Spanish
Life goal: To be a part of a team that establishes a permanent colony on the Moon, and eventually Mars, because that would be absolutely amazing
Involved in: UA Rube Goldberg (if you don't know, here's ours and here's a famous one), Society of Women Engineers, Honors College, Intramural Soccer and Volleyball (go Gila Monsters and Yumans!), Residence Hall Association
Likes: BOOKS! (all sorts), running, Duct Tape (all colors and varieties), puzzles, board games (though Skyrim is pretty cool), the color purple, the number 42, funny t-shirts, power tools, crosswords, photography, lasers, dancing, meeting new people (sometimes)
Dislikes: Tomatoes, loud music at 2AM, lack of Oxford commas, literally using literally wrong, the color orange (but a Clockwork Orange is cool)

Why Dragon Scales?
Dragons are mythical creatures that embody strength, patience, and wisdom. They inspire awe and fear, but can be the most loyal of friends to those who get on their good side. Seeing a dragon and living to tell the tale is considered an extremely good omen.
Dragon scales, depending on the mythology, grant the holder invulnerability, immense strength, or eternal youth. If nothing else, dragon scales are strong, beautiful, and highly reflective, qualities that I hope this blog encapsulates.

So enjoy, leave comments, giggle, smile, ask yourself why anyone would post this drivel on the internet. Come along with me on my adventure through college and throughout the rest of my life.

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