Monday, September 16, 2013

Some things I've had to get used to...

  • Community bathrooms (It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be - only 7.5 girls/shower)
  • Stairs - for a "flat" campus, they're everywhere
  • Having homework due on the weekend
  • Music playing pretty much all the time
  • The occasional breakup in the hallway
  • Having my space invaded at football games
  • Doing my own laundry (again, not as bad as I thought it would be)
  • Lots of sandwiches and pizza for dinner (it's what clubs, etc. get for food)
  • Periodic free eegees (again, what clubs, etc. get [if you don't know what an eegee is, they are delicious])
  • An English class where we're allowed- no, encouraged - to criticize the authors of the books we read
  • Flyering people everywhere
  • Saying where a class is by cross streets, building, and number
  • Living with a roommate (but that's not too bad either)
  • Tours going through the library when I'm trying to study
  • Not having access to a car 
  • PBJ for breakfast (quick, easy, filling, portable :-))(yes, I know, it's not ideal, but I haven't missed class or been late once [yet])

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