I apologize for neglecting the blog for so long. I was... voluntarily eaten by an anaconda (no, too drastic). I was... called in as a witness in a court case on satire (oh wait - that was in 1988? Oh well). Well, maybe I was just recovering from a vicious attack by flying monkey ninjas (those don't exist? Dammit, I'm trying to make a good excuse!)
Regardless, your usual weekend entertainment is back and rolling after surviving finals, an adventurous cross-state car trip, and excesses of sugar. (Those are all real).
So what has yours truly been up to since my last serious post?
There was Thanksgiving (damn, that was a long time ago). I got to see my not-so-little cousins and my grandparents, and was exceedingly well fed.
There was that final push in the last few weeks of school in which little of note happened, save studying (there's a reason there's 'dying' in there) and a rush to finish the mechanics of the Rube Machine. It's pretty much done barring an easy electrical step that necessitates Christmas lights, which everyone knows.go on sale after Christmas.
Then, finally, finals. I only had three during finals week, but one was about as late as it could have been. I got above a 3.0 GPA and had one of my best semesters so far (no C's!). Dance final was to Footloose.
The trip down back home was eventful - me and the two guys I drove with came up with a plan to make car surfing and self-cleaning closets a reality, and then we blew two tires and had to hobble back to Blythe on one spare and one bad tire. What should have been a 7ish hour drive turned into a 13 hour adventure.
Winter break - got to see a few friends and decorate gingerbread houses courtesy of my amazing mother. I also got to see some family that I don't get to see very much, especially since I 'm in Arizona most of the time.
The final Christmas Eve shrimp tail tally - 33.
And now, I'm sitting back in the good old U of A main library, typing away, in the calm before the storm. I got a job wrangling wild textbooks at the Bookstore, and the people there seem pretty nice, the hours are okay, and (this is huge) I get a discount on textbooks.
Aaaaand, there you have it. I'm considering posting a few extras to make up for lost time (see previous post).
Keep it real, y'all. Grace out.
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