It's over. It's done. The first (almost) full week of school - - - is done. (*collapses*)
Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit over-dramatic. This week wasn't really that bad. It was a bit of an adjustment, as it always is coming back from a break. They say there is no syllabus week in engineering, and that's true for the most part.
So what have I been doing?
I've been working at the bookstore almost every day after class, which is tiring but pretty easy. I stock books and direct people to where stuff is. People are surprisingly polite to me - the worst I've got is some even voiced passive aggressive ranting about how people don't like how the bookstore is laid out or the prices of textbooks, which, arguably, are way to high. So it's been pretty good - I get treated well, the pay is not awful, and I get a bit of a brain break.
We've jumped right into relevant stuff in most of my classes. I'm learning about thermodynamic systems, funky coordinate systems, skeletal alignment, Vitruvius, fish populations, 1920's movies, and Ohm's Law (again). I've had to work hard to keep up with homework and everything, which has been a gargantuan task unto itself.
Rube Goldberg has also started up again, which is great. We're not going to Ohio this year, but we will show it off locally. Biggest new step involves an air pump, tubing, and magnets and looks amazing.
Along the way, this week alone, I applied to be a Resident Assistant for next year (good vibes/prayer welcome), got Safe Zone certified, and read all the books for one of my Gen Eds.
All in all, I don't think it's going to get much worse. I think I just got thrown into the deep end and will probably stay there for the rest of the year. It's kind of a sink or swim situation. That said, I'm looking forward to the rest of the year.
But as of right now, I'm still "White and Nerdy" by Weird Al.
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