Friday, January 30, 2015


A closed system is a system where mass cannot enter or leave the system. The only changes in internal energy come from heat transfer (radiation, convection, or conduction) or from work being done on it.

Sometimes college seems like a closed system - you see the same people day in and day out, new things come in in the the forms of information transfer (social media, news, television) and work by outside agencies. In reality, it's more like a fixed volume (open) system - there are people, ideas, mass, matter flowing in and out all the time in the same area, constantly changing the energy present here.

Also, entropy is always pretty evident.

If you can't tell, I'm enjoying my thermodynamics class. *bows, walks off stage*

But wait, there's more!!!

I finished my seasonal job at the Bookstore because now pretty much everyone has the textbooks they need. The pay was decent, but, while the minutes were good, the hours were awful. It was pretty fun while it lasted. I met some interesting people and got to venture into the mysterious realm of bookstore backstock.

It's raining. The street behind my dorm is a river. Sigh.

I got a tour of the Poetry Center with my Humanities class. As part of the tour, we did a writing activity. Mine is in the post below, slightly edited. That was fun and interesting. Apparently we have one of the largest modern poetry centers in the nation, which is pretty cool.

I've picked up yoga. I am not flexible. Namaste with it and get flexible. It really helps me get up in the mornings.

I interviewed for a position as an RA next year. I think it went okay, but I didn't do as good a job as I could have connecting my stories to the job. One moment I am particularly proud of - in response to the inevitable "Why should we hire you?" I answered "I'm the best at what I do - and what I do is pretty nice." (From X-Men Origins - Wolverine - ish) I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll make the next round.

Song of the week, in honor of my interview, is Weird Al's "Mission Statement" - yay buzzwords!

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