I am going to go insane next semester - I'm taking 19 units, about half of which are reputedly difficult classes. That's okay, though - I need to be busy, or I end up doing nothing. So, in order of appearance, here's the rundown of what I'm taking this semester.
First up - AME 230 - Thermodynamics.
English translation - stuff gets hot.
This one promises to be interesting, despite the fact that thermodynamics was my least favorite subject in high school physics. The guy who teaches it is an expert in cryogenics, so that should make it interesting. He also has not figured out how to use the school's online portal because he keeps emailing random stuff to me.
Next - HNRS 200 - Thinking Critically About New Media.
English translation - writing about stuff that has been invented in the past 20 years (I think).
Despite it having the longest unabbreviatable title of any class I'm aware of, I'm really looking forward to this class because it's description promises that it looks at music and video game technology among other things. The professor is a founder of a subversive webzine and is supposed to be a really cool guy.
And later - AME 250 - Dynamics.
English translation - stuff moves.
The professor here is (or was?) "on loan from Raytheon." I'm told this class seems deceptively easy because it is another applied physics course, but this time, it's the stuff that everyone thinks they understand. Should be interesting.
Also, Math 254 - Ordinary Differential Equations
English translation - really fancy math.
Supposedly, the math difficulty level peaks at vector calc, so this class should be many times easier. My friend who is a math major swears the professor of this class is the "best guy ever."
And on my odd days - DNC 152A - Intro to Modern Dance
English translation - really fancy walking
My sister loves modern dance, and I liked taking a dance class last semester. Despite it being an 8 AM class, it promises to get me up and moving and learning about a new way of moving my rigidly inflexible body.
HNRS 160D2 - Experiences in the Humanities
English translation - writing about art and stuff
This class is focused on art outside the classroom, including local theater and art exhibitions. The professor has written plays and is supposed to be infinitely cool, and this class is supposed to be supremely easy.
And finally, ECE 207 - Elements of Electrical Engineering
English Translation - Yay circuits!
Promises to be harder for me than physics electricity and magnetism lab because I probably wont get a chance to play with the components. It seems kinda boring, and the teacher gets bad reviews, but I gotta take it.
So that's the stuff I'm going to be ranting about in the weeks to come.
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