The semester is winding down, stress levels are driving up, and the heat here has started to become overbearing. I haven't worn actual shoes at all for the past week, and it's been beautiful.
This week is the week of finals that aren't - tests in almost every class that count, but aren't finals. I've got to be in two places at once for two of them. On the other hand, I've got a pretty cool final project going for my computer aided design class - I'm making a bicycle. I can't wait for everything to be over.
The weather here is becoming oppressive. It's been in the 80's all week, except when it rained, and it's been dry and awful for anyone with allergies. The cicadas haven't started buzzing yet, but you can still find birds nests around campus if you know where to look.
On Easter, I went to church in the morning, hung out with friends, and had dinner at Boston Market with some other people. It was nice and relaxing and not too taxing.
Big news this week - Dave Franco and a few other guys from the movie Neighbors came to campus and blocked traffic for a few hours. I actually got a glimpse of them before they were sucked into a suffocating horde of screaming fan girls. The line for the pre-screening went out the door of the student union where the theater is and wrapped all the way around the building.
On Friday night, I participated in Relay for Life (a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society) with through Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers (I have a bunch of friends in that club), which was a phenomenal experience. I met a ton of great people and helped raise money both for ACS and for SHPE. Some people stayed all night until dawn, doing laps, talking, selling stuff, playing games. I didn't have the stamina and ended up going back to my dorm at 2AM.
Finally, I finally saw the Lego Movie. It was really cute, and any movie with Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, and Will Ferrel is a good movie in my book. One of the most entertaining things was seeing how characters in the Lego universe interpreted the objects they found from the full sized world, like "the blade of Exact-Zero." I would recommend it, although the basic plotline is horribly predictable.
Also, I've picked classes for next semester. I'm taking Electricity and Magnetism (which is supposed to be tough and never used again after the class), vector calculus (which, I've heard, can blow your mind), Statics (which I've heard is really fun or really hard), American Indian Languages (a Gen Ed which should be fun), and Spanish Literature (to finish up my minor). I'm considering adding beginning dance class to get me up in the mornings and get me moving, since most of my classes are in the afternoon and physical education classes do not exist. Either way, it will be another tough semester, but I'm looking forward to it.
I just have to keep telling myself that I'm almost there.
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