Sunday, January 20, 2019

Random Thoughts...

On my current status: I just finished up my internship with Imagineering and have gone strait back to school - I'm now at Northern Arizona  University.

On finishing up at Imagineering: I left roughly six months short of the opening of the project, which is kind of a bummer. People really really like me there - I'm seen as a hard worker who is smart and observant, occasionally acerbic and witty. I was part of a system there, and I think they are going to miss me. While I might not have been 100% "necessary", I  did a lot of cleaning up around the edges and catching little things falling through cracks. I will miss my coworkers, and they will remember me, so... mission accomplished, I guess.

On Flagstaff: The second day I was in Flagstaff, it snowed. People always comment on the weather, and while, yes, mountainous highland is definitely different than southern desert in Tucson, the culture is so much different. The one word that I could use to describe Flagstaff: CRUNCHY. You can pick your definition and it still applies - plenty of hippies of various shades, literal snowpack on the ground, backpacker treehuggers, plenty of granola - it's all here.

On not being in Tucson: One thing I noticed in Flagstaff as opposed to Tucson (other than the lack of dust, the sandstone aesthetic, actual trees, etc.) is that there are way fewer beautiful people here. The University of Arizona prides itself and indirectly markets itself on its hot dudes and coeds - everyone (except for the mandatory diversity "student") has perfect  curls, defined muscles, and a "natural" tan. In reality, there are also an abundance of people who look really good. Tucson is a really self-conscious town that is obsessed with trying to prove that its not just a place with a good looking basketball team - everywhere else the cameras see is overly pretty as well. It's so nice to be in a place where everyone's hair is messed up and lazy hoodies are the norm.

On Construction Management: I lucked into a great program. It's really hands on, and is more concerned with the bigger picture of how things work together than the nitty gritty of whether a one-inch section of a steel beam will fail. (I know it's all important, I just can't bring myself to care). Sustainability and Lean are huge focuses, which is lucky because I'm interested in that too. I'm just surprised at how much I already know. Everyone in the program seems really close knit (which is fine, I'm fine, it's all fine). There's a lot of challenge and a lot of learning opportunity to look forward to.

On snow: As long as it's not precipitating, snow is fun. Every step feels like crunching through some particularly resistant fall leaves. Creating a snowball feels like sculpting beauty from chaos (or at least an ugly sphere from some white stuff). It's cold, but it's not unbearable, and I can't complain too much yet.

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