Monday, November 13, 2017


When people ask where I'm from, I tell them I'm from Los Angeles. (I'm actually from a suburb of a suburb of LA, but for most people, it's close enough)

When people hear that I am from LA, they almost always ask one of the same two questions: 

Do you surf? 


Have you met any famous people?

And my answers are as follows: 

Um, kinda, yeah, I did once when I was, like, ten. I like to boogie board, though! 


Yeah, I've seen Bob Hope/Frank Sinatra Drive, haha. 

In all seriousness, though, yes, I have met some famous people. My hometown is kinda like the vacation resort town for people who can't quite afford Malibu, so we get our share of C-listers and wannabes. 

There was one time, I was taking a walk down Main Street when a guy with an acoustic guitar walked up behind me and tried to jump scare me. While violently strumming right when he walked past me, the guitar slipped a little from his hand. 
"You know, that might be easier if you had a strap," I yelled after him, and he cracked a smile. 
"I don't need to - I do this for a living," he said. "I'm Jay-Z's guitarist - I'm the only white guy on tour."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah! Look me up!"
And with another violent strum of the acoustic, he was off into the sunset. 
I did look him up. At the time, I was pretty sure he was legit. Now, I'm not so sure, but it's a fun  story. 
So yeah, there's one "celebrity" I've met.

Also, Whitney Houston's daughter went to my middle school. We had the same PE period and everything when I was in 6th grade. I didn't really talk to her - she was older than me and had her own clique - but at the same time everyone knew who she was, even if a lot of us didn't have a clue who Whitney Houston was. Every time there was one of those stupid school fundraisers, selling magazines or some shit, one of the rewards was a Whitney Houston CD - I guess her mom had donated a bunch and the school had no idea what to do with them. Nothing more motivating to a kid than trying to earn a CD for a person his parents probably liked.

Rebecca Black, of "Friday" fame, almost went to the crosstown high school, but dropped and did homeschooling because of "harassment." She was also at Disneyland the day of our 8th grade trip. 

I met the dude form Candyman, the dude from Starship Troopers, and one of the original visual effects guys for Star Wars when I volunteered at Comic Con. That was pretty cool. 

I've also gone to stuff like TV tapings for stuff like America's Got Talent, Conan, the Late Late Show, and Jimmy Kimmel, where I've obviously seen, but not interacted with their respective hosts and guests for the day - including Adam Sandler, Darius Rucker, and a bunch of people no one's ever heard of. 

However, the best celebrity encounter I've had was the one time I was walking out of Kimmel, minding my own business, trying like mad to remember where I parked my car, when I walk onto Hollywood Boulevard where the premiere of Thor: Ragnarok was taking place. I got to visually see and take pictures of the beautiful Chris Helmsworth, the incredible Mark Ruffalo, and the indescribable Tom Hiddleston - from behind a barrier on the street that was about 30 feet away from any of the action. 

Sometimes living near Los Angeles can be pretty cool.  

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