WHEREAS I have played various iterations of Tetris in jamming my stuff into bags and bags into the back of cars,
WHEREAS said stuff has moved from a pile on the floor of my room to piles in my closet and on my desk,
WHEREAS I have been to the library and finished a book,
WHEREAS I have been to the beach, walked Main Street, stuck my feet in the water, run on the shore, and dunked,
WHEREAS jackets are no longer needed in 70 degree weather,
I officially declare myself returned and reacclimatized to my hometown.
Obligatory reflection on freshman year now commences:
I just finished my freshman year of school. It's been a ton of fun so far. I've met crazy people, done insane things, explored new horizons, and, of course, learned a lot. I know I have changed over the course of the year, and, though I can't say if I've been changed for the better, I have been changed... for good.
So, shout outs to (roughly in order of appearance) the random people I met at orientation, the HI Teamers, my roommates (and almost roommates), the Awesome Group, the Gilans, my English class, my Chem lab group, the Newmanites, the SWEsters, the Gila Monsters (VB and soccer teams), the Rube Goldberg club, both my Campus Renew groups, my Dungeons and Dragons group, and the random people I met in strange places who have become good friends (and anyone else I forgot). College has been a lot less scary because of the people I met.
On the other hand, there's something triumphant about coming home. As soon as I crossed the Colorado River, I saw green - not brownish green, not dusty green, not this-really-is-a-plant-believe-me green, but grass green of things that grow. Color is something about California that I have definitely missed.
And of course, it's awesome to see my family again. Weekly phone calls don't do justice to how much I've missed them. My brother is now taller than I am, my sister is doing all these cool things, and I've really missed my parents. Seeing how everyone has changed is a little weird, though.
In short, freshman year was an experience, it's weird that I'm a quarter of the way through college, and coming home is fantastic.
And as to the fate of this blog over the summer - I'm still going to post, maybe not as regularly, maybe more, but there will be new stuff up every once in a while. If I ever finish a story, it will get posted. If something absolutely amazing happens, it will get posted. If I get bored one day, something will be posted.
So thank you all for your love and support. I had no idea that this blog had the reach that it has.
Freshman year is over.
And so it goes.
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