Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Never Tell Me the Odds!

Okay, all you aspirants from lifeanchoredinhope.blogspot.com - I'm relevant again.

Despite having awful grades, despite applying really late, and despite accidentally hanging up on someone important (darn Glendale area code throwing me off), I am proud to announce that I have yet again accepted an internship at Disney, this time as an "Intern-Estimating" with Walt Disney Imagineering in Glendale starting January 29. Holy %^&*#!, right?!

How did this come to pass? I applied online in November-ish, got a call and passed the first-round interview, got told that the position was removed for "administrative reasons", resigned myself to normalcy, got a call asking about my availability but telling me not to hold on to too much hope, held on to too much hope, again resigned myself to normalcy, got a call from an 818 number that I thought was spam*, hung up, got an email telling me to call ASAP, called ASAP, talked my way out of going to Florida, got a call from the same 818 area code number for a second round interview while sitting in some random parking lot in Westwood, got an email the next morning, got a call to confirm the job, and finally, e-signed the document saying that I accepted the position.


So why did I get this job? It was obviously my rugged good looks and charm.
Really, I probably had some really good marks in my file from last time and was probably the most experientially qualified out of very few candidates. The job listing was still up a lot later than most of the Spring internships, so I assume that they had trouble getting candidates. Not to sell myself short, though - I do have two pretty prestigious project management type internships under my belt and I'm pretty damn smart. That was enough to balance out my rocky educational stats, I guess.

What's the plan moving forward? I am going to be bouncing back and forth between Anaheim and Glendale, taking an online class, and taking every advantage of the free park entrance. I'm going to keep getting counselling on the weekends (my head's still not quite where I want it to be) and keep practicing self care. I'm really hoping to make some new friends, which should help. I also plan to do a better job keeping up the blog this time. I will be under an NDA about specifics, again, but I should be able to post some cool stories.

How am I feeling? Overall, I'm stoked beyond belief. This is my dream job. Despite having to practically live out of my car, I think it's all going to be worth it.

Again, if anyone has any questions, comments, or otherwise, feel free to comment, or email me at g14racer@gmail.com. I kinda suck at replying, but I will try to get back to you.

*The guy said his name was Frank C[inaudible], which, after just watching The Punisher series, I thought was Frank Castle and the guy was pulling my leg. Oops.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I'm glad to hear you're doing well.
    And, hey!!! Shoot me an email sometime! (no hurry though :) )

