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You can tell it's winter not by the weather or the lights, but by the paper snowflakes scattered around the dorm, everyone's antsyness about finals, and the not-Starbucks coffee shop is selling hot chocolate "complete with candy cane and gender-neutral snow-being shaped marshmallows." I should be studying right now, but I need a bit of a brain break, and hey, I'm practicing my "composition" for Honors Frosh Comp!
Against my better judgement, I auditioned for "Not a Doctor Who Musical!!!" (yes, with three exclamation points). The people running the audition seemed very impressed with my over-dramatic rendition of "Jabberwocky," by Lewis Carroll, and somewhat pleased with my song. I think I have a good chance of landing Donna or Amy. If nothing else, I' be a pretty good Weeping Angel. I promised myself that I'd get back into musicals/acting when I got into college because I loved doing them so much in middle school, and this was the perfect chance. I'll see if anything comes out of it.
I am done with Chemistry labs... FOREVER! (I'm taking a material science course next semester instead). I think I did pretty well on my lab final, which involved analyzing samples of "blood" for their iron and copper levels. Much easier than it sounds. That was a huge relief.
I only really have finals in three classes, which is nice, although I have a presentation tomorrow in English on my research project from earlier in the year, which shouldn't be too difficult. I'm most worried about my engineering final, though, because unlike most classes, that class seems to be made up of a bunch of unrelated topics that were kind of just thrown at us. I'm not too worried about math or the chem lecture finals.
Apparently Kim Kardashian was on campus this week. Apparently, she went here. Apparently, there was a "crowd" following her, but it was "not as big as was expected." Apparently, not enough people care. I don't.
Mark Zuckerberg visited Stanford this week. Social media exploded. He should have come here. I'm not jealous at all. No, really, I'm not.
I can't wait for winter break when I get to see my family and not worry about schools so much. Still working on getting a ride, but I'll make it out to SoCal somehow. It will be a ton of fun to see all my old friends again and chill.
Happy birthday to my dad! Hope it was a good one.
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