Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Adventure Begins

Right now, it’s about three o’clock Wednesday as I write this (you’re probably reading this much later – I don’t trust airport WiFi – too insecure). I’m sitting in Seattle airport in the middle of a three hour layover on my way to Pasco, where I will begin my next great adventure – an internship! In a real company! With real responsibility! In a state I have never been to!

Here's me, funny hat, short hair and all in Seattle:

I am on my way to starting my internship in Richland, WA with the Bechtel Corporation. I have a place to live, people to meet, stuff to do. I am so stoked, a raging bonfire has nothing on me. I’m going to be a mechanical engineering intern, but as of right now, I have no clue what my exact duties are. I’ll let you know as soon as I do – and am allowed.

My flight from my home to Seattle was pretty uneventful. There was only one crying baby (right in front of me!) but it was actually pretty quiet. I sat next to some nice older couple coming to Portland (eventually) and got a few chapters into Pillars of the Earth. Easy-peasy, no problems at all. Makes for quite the boring story, unfortunately. I’m sitting here in Seattle Airport across from a Starbucks. I walked around and found two of them without even leaving the terminal I’m in. Every gift shop is selling obnoxiously pink nightshirts that read “Sleepless in Seattle.” The terminal I’m in right now is doing hops to Canada.

My relax week at home is over. I got to meet up with a couple of buddies and re-explore downtown and (most importantly) catch up on some sleep. I spent some quality time with the siblings and the parents, but the quick turnaround was still a bit of a shocker.

So here I am, starting off on a completely new, almost completely unknown adventure. I will be telling you all about it as it unfolds. I love you all!

Later - I made it. and am staying with an excellent person (with two dogs) and have plans to meet up with other interns! Good night, people. More when I have more to report.

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